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Michelle Garrett

Hospice Nurse - 5 years

I became interested in Hospice nursing while I was still in nursing school. During that time, I became a hospice volunteer and enjoyed working with patients and their families. It just seemed like a good fit for me. I have also worked in the hospital setting and skilled nursing with developmentally disabled adults. When I finally found a job in a Hospice company, I knew I was finally in the right place. 

People often ask me how I can do my job and I don’t know what to say to them because it is so rewarding in the end. It can be an emotional roller coaster but I try to put myself in the other person's shoes and provide care and comfort during the time I spend with them to give them a better quality of life than they would have had without hospice. 

I began working at Apex Hospice in 2018 and I am very happy here. I feel that it is my home. I am surrounded by colleagues who are like-minded and give their all. No one is ever too busy to help with a problem whether it be symptom management or wound care or just to vent after a particularly rough day. I have worked with several wonderful hospice doctors and have really appreciated the trust they put in me to do my job and the respect they have for my input when collaborating on patient care. 

Apex has an incredible team of healthcare professionals that you will not find anywhere else and I am proud to be among them.